Women's Health Centre Gladstone

The Women's Health Centre is committed to promoting the emotional social and physical well being of all women.Our centre strives to create an environment of mutual respect, encouragement and teamwork.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Postnatal Disorders Support Group

Postnatal Disorders Support Group - Gladstone Communities for Children

Free information packs about the group and tip sheets about Post Natal Depression ( from Beyond Blue)are now available. Phone or call in to collect. The groups are help on Mondays fortnightly. Contact Tania or Carla at the centre for more information.

Sincere thanks to the Volunteers who have attended training for this group and came on board! Eight women have came on board to support the group! Marvellous participation and greatly appreciated.

Postnatal Disorder Awareness week is coming up for the week of the 12th-18th November 2006. Activities will include a stall with volunteers and information at the Kin Kora shopping centre and a static display at the Gladstone City Library.

A Caring World Shares

Children's Week - 21st - 29th October.

There will be static displays in the Calliope and Boyne Libraries for the week and a display at Centro Shopping Centre from 10 am - 2pm on Thursday 26th October. These displays are held in conjuction with the Community Advisory Service, Lifeline and Let's Read; Queensland Health and the Department of Child Safety.

Setting yourself free workshop

The next "Setting yourself free" workshop will commence on Wednesday 1st November. Bookings are essential. For more information contact the centre on 4979 1456 or view our workshops HERE.

Post script; This workshop is no longer conducted at our centre - however contact us to find out what we do have available. February 2007.

Field of Women - Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness Event

On Monday 23rd October Support Worker Denise Bedsor and the Breast Buddies group members coordinated a small but touching event at the Lions Park in Gladstone. Pink Silhouette's in the shape of women were erected and sponsored to remember and promote the awareness of Breast Cancer within our community. A sausage sizzle and morning tea was enjoyed by all. Local member Liz Cunningham attended and gave a short speech. The morning was enjoyed by the participants. Many thanks to Denise and the Breast Buddies ladies for promoting this worthwhile cause.

Let's Read Program

This program focuses on influencing parents to read to their children from birth to 5 years, and teaches parents to develop shared reading experiences with their young children.

If you would like to play an active role in promoting the Let's Read Program or to find out more information visit the website or contact Brenda for more information on 4979 1456.

2006/2007 Membership

A reminder to existing members and an invitation to new members that membership of $12 is now due. The $12 is tax deductable and only members can access the library at Gladstone Women's Health Centre.

Successful walk to cure diabetes day!

Those who walked from Lions Park around Lake Callemondah on Sunday 15th October enjoyed a beautiful morning amongst eager company. Estimated* 100 participants - some carrying balloons, some walking children and some accompanied by the most handsome dogs in all of Gladstone! If you did miss out on the day - donations are still being accepted online at THIS address - or call in and donate at the centre.

*Estimation made by the writer - who was wrestling her own badly behaved dog who couldn't control her excitement at the sight of the balloons, geese, swans, people walking briskly and children. Writer couldn't take photographs for the exact same reason she couldn't count properly. Writer was just bloody lucky to get the dog back in the car without the dog accosting too many people.